Urgent Prayer

Dear Praying Friends,

We need your urgent prayer!  Over the weekend, we received word from David Mudeya, one of our Congo directors, asking for our support and prayer. Below is his message about recent ADF (Allied Democratic Forces) attacks and we also ask for continued prayer for Moses Mawa’s niece, who was abducted by the same rebel group. Moses was notified of this attack during the MTS conference he was co-leading two weeks ago with our team. Our enemy is real and we must increase our prayer and advocacy for those who are suffering. 

David Mudeya writes:

I have had a hard week, not for the malaria cases that my mother and I are taking medication for, but the three successive ADF attacks in our areas and neighboring countries, of which our hearts have been shocked again. 

In fact, last Friday these enemies killed 18 people in 3 different homes in Bukokoma near Mutwanga (54 km to Beni) where we had held a By His Wounds training in January. Three days later, they entered the vicinity of Kasindi (a municipality at the DRC border with Uganda, 75 km to Beni) and killed 8 others.

With great brokenness, we have been informed this morning of the killing last night of at least 41 people, including 38 pupils in Bwera Uganda, in Kasese district (this borders DRC Beni territory), many others have been abducted. 

I have had a heavy day, with in my mind on the image of those Congolese people who had fled to Bwera from Kasindi two days ago, to then be attacked by terrorists.  I also keep picturing of those 38 or more children dead, some burned, in their dorms in Bwera!  

We need prayer for our two government leaders, and for those families who have lost theirs, and for the Church to have the Word of comfort.


MTS has hundreds of trainers in this area. They’re bold and selfless and never stop caring for their people, despite their ongoing personal sorrow and losses. Pray for their safety and strength. You are welcome to respond directly to them, via this email, as our support and prayers bear witness to the evil they experience on a daily basis and the power of God to overcome it!  We will communicate your words back to David, Moses, and the rest of our Africa team. They need our support as we grieve with them and do everything we can to help heal these wounds. Together, we bow our heads.

Steve and Celestia learned, during their Congo director meeting this morning, that there has tragically been another death.  Pastor Caleb's wife, Anita, was murdered in their home last night in Beni, and died this morning. Caleb is one of the local pastors and a part of our MTS family. They have two small babies and need our prayers.

Additionally, David and Moses have been meeting with groups of people all week to facilitate their lament. It's sorrow upon sorrow... and yet, they are "strengthened with all power according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints of light. He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son..." (Colossians 1:11-14).

Thank you for your prayer and support.  As you can imagine, the financial need is great to support our partners, and we ask you to prayerfully consider giving toward healing today. 

With hope,
The MTS Team 


June 2023 Founders’ Column